Black Student Achievement Plan
Be ready for the world.
As an official vendor for Los Angeles Unified School District’s Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) and Partner for Student Success (PFSS) programs, nonprofit PowerMyLearning is proud to support teachers and students to address disparities in educational outcomes between Black students and their non-Black peers.

Programs aligned to the LAUSD Strategic Plan’s pillars:
Joy and Wellness via social-emotional learning and creating welcoming learning environments
Academic Excellence via high-quality instructional planning and delivery
Investing in Staff via professional learning and coaching for teachers
Engagement and Collaboration via PD and coaching for school leaders
Operational Effectiveness via data-driven decision making

We have proven impact empowering schools to:
Increase proficiency in Math and Reading
Increase number of students on track in A-G requirements

Support teachers with PD and coaching to:
Grow in instructional practice
Strengthen relationships with students
- Build allyship with families
Support principals and instructional leadership teams to:
Grow in instructional leadership
Create a joyful climate and culture
- Strengthen allyship with families

Support teachers with PD and coaching to:
Grow in instructional practice.
Strengthen relationships with students.
Build allyship with families.
Support principals and instructional leadership teams to:
Grow in instructional leadership.
Create a joyful climate and culture.
Strengthen allyship with families.
“The number one feedback piece is that teachers appreciate the support that they’re getting from PowerMyLearning. And that is no small feat because barriers exist whenever an organization like PowerMyLearning comes in to help.
District Administrator Los Angeles, CA
Contact us to get started!
PowerMyLearning’s programs meet requirements for Title I, Title II-A, and Title IV-A funds.