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Grow K-5 Math Instructional Practice with High-Impact Summer PD

Spend down your ESSER and Title I funds and support your teachers this summer with evidence-based professional development from national nonprofit PowerMyLearning.


Empower Tier 1, Grade-level Math Instruction

Flexible Summer PD Packages for K-5 Teachers

Through in-person or virtual PD workshops, teachers learn research-based best practices, explore resources from our digital toolkits, and develop an action plan including time for reflection and collaboration.

Workshop Topics Include:
  • Math Discourse: Foster meaningful conversations around math concepts.
  • Number Sense: Strengthen foundational numeracy skills.
  • Student Mindsets: Cultivate a positive attitude towards math.
Expected Outcomes:
  1. Enhance Instructional Quality: Deepen curriculum, content, and pedagogical knowledge.
  2. Promote Reflective Practices: Help teachers examine and shift their own mindsets about math and learning.
  3. Educate the Whole Child: Integrate SEL, culturally responsive education, and family engagement into instruction, creating effective math learning environments.


Bonus: Bring Families into Learning with Turnkey Family Workshop Kits and Training

Provide your families with the resources they need to support student learning at home with our turnkey Family Workshop Kits. Grounded in the belief that families hold the best knowledge of their children, empower educators to engage families as learning partners and drive student outcomes.

What's included?

Presentation Deck
in English and Spanish

Toolkit of Resources
for families in English and Spanish

Facilitator Guide
for your school staff

Outreach Materials
to reach your school community

Training Session
for the facilitator to gain confidence with the materials.

Choose Your Topic 
from our catalog of 12 family workshops.

Preview Family Workshop Toolkit Resources

We have proven impact: 

Accelerate math outcomes

Strengthen instructional practice

Boost teacher retention

We're a national nonprofit with 25 years of experience bringing evidence-based programs to districts across the country. Our team will work alongside you and your K-5 educators to strengthen their practice and drive math outcomes.

Coaching Spot Illustration
Support teachers with  PD and coaching to:
  • Grow in instructional practice

  • Strengthen relationships with students

  • Build allyship with families 
Support principals and instructional leadership teams to:
  • Grow in instructional leadership

  • Create a joyful climate and culture

  • Strengthen allyship with families 

Benefits educators love:

Learning something new with experienced facilitators, high-interest topics, and actionable takeaways.

Exploring resources
from our toolkits with strategies that are ready to implement at the start of the new school year.

Developing an action plan through intentional planning and reflection time and collaboration with colleagues.

"A far cry from your typical 'sit and get' PD, teachers participated in collaborative workshops and then exercised agency as they tested and adapted new strategies in their classrooms. At the end of the school year, we saw a statistically significant difference in the proportion of students who exceeded or met district math benchmarks."

Magdalena Moore, Principal Partner School in San Jose, CA

Contact us to get started!

Complete this form to explore our summer PD catalog. PowerMyLearning programming meets funding requirements for Title I, Title II-A, and Title IV-A.